If you go to NumbersUSA, you can send free faxes to your representatives, or to the Pretender in Chief himself. Sign up, it’s free. Here’s the one I sent:
President Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Obama,
It is absurd that you would call for not one, but three amnesties (comprehensive, DREAM, and AgJOBS) when so many Americans are out of work. Whom exactly do you represent?
15 million Americans are out of work, and a further 10 million cannot find a full-time job, at a time when 8 million illegal aliens have jobs. Millions of American families are having trouble paying their mortgage and putting food on the table, but you seem to be more concerned with protecting individuals who have stolen American jobs and broken American laws. Any comprehensive amnesty for illegal aliens is just plain wrong and goes against the wishes of the vast majority of the American people. 25 million Americans are either unemployed or cannot find a full-time job and they are depending on you to do the right thing and oppose amnesty. Why are you letting these Americans down by supporting amnesty?Unable to comprehend your actions,
Opinionated Lady [I used my real name, of course. He knows who I am.]
P.S. I am sick to death of listening to you mislead your koolaid drinkers – you did it again today. LEGAL IMMIGRANTS who come to the US to BECOME Americans are AWESOME. To assimilate to OUR culture, not to integrate their own laws. ILLEGALS, or those who come here seeking to create a New Islam should go back to their own countries. Today would be good.